Extra PRO: Fan Engagement

Through these extra Fan Engagement activities you'll be able to create a deeper bond with fans and test direct ways to engage with them. One or more of these extras can be added according to your needs to the core Release Campaign service.

Email Marketing
  • Determine the ideal Email Marketing Platform
  • Create a tailored Email Marketing Template
  • Guide you on what content to include
  • Set up distribution lists and segments
  • Generate sign-up links
  • Schedule send outs in line with your Release Campaign
  • Analyse engagement
Concepts for Merchandise and Bundles
  • Research and analyse the current brand and audience
  • Determine the ideal sale channels
  • Ideate key creative concepts
  • Present bundle propositions
  • Set up pricing
  • Align launch with Release Campaign
Concepts for Live Shows
  • Research and analyse the current brand and audience
  • Determine ideal set list
  • Ideate key interactive experience (contest, exclusivity, surprise elements, merch and give aways)
  • Ideate key visual experience (stage set up, lighting, mood)
  • Set up fan data collection system
When are the extra PRO Fan Engagement services useful?

If you are looking for support with ways to better talk and interact with your audience. These key direct-to-fan campaign aspects will round up the experience your fans will get from your new release. These extra services are therefore useful to those artists who want to strengthen the relationship with an existing audience or start building one.

How much does it cost?

The price is subject to the extra picked and the duration of the campaign. We'll gladly send you a quote.

What's needed to get started

A planned and soon to be launched Release Campaign (our core service). These extras are add ons. For Email Marketing we'll need to get added to your Email Marketing Suite. For Live Shows Concept there needs to be a planned release show or some dates lined up.

What's not included

Hosting and domain fees, manufacturing and printing costs, design costs, subscriptions to third party service providers (email platforms, e-com platforms, etc..), logistics costs for shows.